Hannah is a preacher’s daughter and because of the horrific nature of her crime, he is the only member of her family who will still speak to her. Stream Full …
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Woman prison is alot easer them men's prison.
What a shitty person she is and then tries to blame her boyfriend. Take responsibility
She deserves to rot in jail then in hell.
Killing your parents just because they disapproved the relationship is a story as old as time. I don’t get why she could’ve just waited until she was 18 and then she could’ve moved out and do whatever she wanted. It really didn’t have to go this far. Now she will be in prison until the day she dies. She killed her own mother and she needs to accept the consequences. ?
She seems so proud of her ¨career¨ in prison. And she wants to play the victim with the ex-boyfriend? Are you kidding?
I was in my room with my antenna…. You mean your cell.
She is 100% a narcissist
She was only 17. A 100 yrs sentence is not alright. She looks like she has paid her dues. She should be paroled and i bet she will do very well out . she deserves another chance in life.
If anyone is looking for details about hannah stone google Barbara Keim middlebury IN. She didn't just conspire, she was with Spencer & Aaron when they went to kill her mom. She stayed at her mom house just an in case someone stopped by looking for Barbara. She's not as innocent as she is portraying herself and at anytime could've called the police. No way in hell you could pay me to watch two guys tackle gag and bound my mom.
If you watch enough of these prison docs you'll see common sociopath behavior among a lot of murderers — no apparent remorse, no appreciation of the magnitude of their crimes or having done wrong, playing the victim card, a narcissistic and self-indulgent attitude, using other people (outside prison, and inside prison also if they can). A lot of people in prison aren't "bad people" but some of them , yes, you can say they are.
The stupid decisions we make in life that can change our WHOLE life. Hope she can find some kind of peace within those cold stone walls of prison.
High school to 100 years in prison…….Wow!
To hear her, and I don't know all about this case, she admits she was "involved"… so why would a 17 year old get 100 year if she was only indirectly (as she suggests) involved? But..yeah..even if you are only "indirectly involved" in the murder of your mother, it's likely your family WILL disown you. How sad a 17 year old would take such a route for a stupid boyfriend? I can't wrap my head around this stuff.
He committed suicide to escape all the rape that was happening to him. They don't respect people that commit those type of crimes in prison
its you who killed your mom lady.not any spencer.it was your decision only.
I just got done watching betrayal she was so disrespectful to her mother she plotted to get her mother killed so she can do what she wanted as her family I won't come visit her she is playing victim like it's the boy plan to do it but I'm glad that her dad is coming to see her despite what she did it shows that her dad truly love her I can understand why her other family won't come to see her if I was in their shoes and that happened I won't to go see her either ?
She sure likes to play the victim. What a complete and utter narcissist.
Hannah Stone plotted to kill her mother so her low life riff raff druggie boyfriend could get money for drugs. She is where she belongs and I hope she never gets out.
I saw Hannah Stone's story on a ID channel crime show. She was incredibly disrespectful to her mother and her behavior prior to the murders were abhorrent. Her mother let her get away with a lot of bad behavior. It is no wonder her mother ended up dead by the riff raff she let her daughter hang around with.
Why do I feel like she is playing this up for the cameras. Murderers like her are always sorry after the fact, but if she was never caught, would she feel the same way? I don't think so, I don't see her owning what she did, she murdered her mother. She was the mastermind, and allowed her mother's death to happen. I can't help but wonder if she is a sociopath and acting the way that is expected but has no true understanding of remorse?
She deserves to burn in heck because she help killed her mom who had who busted her butt off trying to raise and feed her and wanted her to be a good person
Have you seen a photo of the real Spencer? This show gave him a LOT of credit.
This moron really thinks she will live to see freedom after a 100 year sentence. Hahaha that is rich! xD
She expects an apology?,So self- entered!… Should seek apologies from SELF!
She couldn't forgive him but at the same time she has forgiven herself pretty well, almost to the point that she doesn't feel like like she's a murderer too.
Poor girl
I saw her story on an episode of Snapped. How this girl killed her mother for a boy and $200.25 is beyond me! She had a younger brother who was five when this happened and can never contact him because of her sentencing. Just imagine a little boy growing up without his mother because his sister was a selfish cow!
Just sad all around.
"Without him I have nobody". Let's rephrase that. " If I hadn't helped in the murder of my mother…………………."
I love you
How's the boyfriend situation working out for ya?
Rot in hell pig anyone kills their mother just go rot in hell
The perfect example of entitled American women.
1. Never takes responsibility.
2. Her rights matter yours don't.
3. Everyone owes her for her bad choices.
4. Hates the "patriarchy" yet father is the only one who truly loves her.
These bitches get to spend a pretty nice jail time. She should have gotten the death penalty
She sounds outgoing have sentenced 100 yrs . Getting along well to dad at least.
Down here in Brazil law is poor 10 yr at most .
Abominable person for allowing a someone to murder her own flesh & blood.
“He committed this crime”……girl, stfu!!??? you murdered your mother too!? out here trying to pass as a victim.
I thought my life
Was shitty …
And God wasn't fair
With me at all …
I'm not even a believer
Now I think I'm blessed
With little things that
I have ….
Life is precious
Live it to the fullest
They say people make
But some mistakes
Are unforgivable…
You just cant take it back ..
On top of all that…
Everyday you live after
That one terrible mistake
You regret it ….till the day you die
This is a lesson for all of us
Take a notes otherwise you
Be in her shoes and people
Be taking notes from your
Mistake …
Watch how the female uses deferment through obfuscation to avoid responsibility and accountability for her choices, actions, and consequences throughout her complete life cycle! this lady has earned the right to have three Hots and a cot for the rest of her natural life! anytime she doesn't like it she can commit suicide and save the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, THE END !
Looks like she has it pretty good
I dunno but other criminals commit more multiple brutal crimes and serve 20 30 years and this girl gets 100 year in a "plea bargain" I find that to be quite unfair
Do the crime, do the time.
I dont get how people can throw their whole life away for dumb stuff