US President Donald Trump says he plans to ban the Chinese-owned video app TikTok with Microsoft said to be in talks to take TikTok’s US operations over.
I hate tiktok but for the people that love tik tok i want to say something u can use some apps like "north vpn i think" Where you can make it look like you're in china but u are in US the language will remain in English so you can still use tik tok
Should ban tiktok a long time ago many children especially at the age of 12 or below are seeing sexual explicit content and are a major concern in the country or maybe in the world
If Drump bands tik Tok he will lose a lot a lot of people in America so
Trump nice!!!!
Bye bye tic tok, I'd hated wait no I despised you, you were not only annoying you were insufferable
But we not banning tik tok??????
He say that BC we make in frount of him in tik tok
I hate tiktok but for the people that love tik tok i want to say something u can use some apps like "north vpn i think" Where you can make it look like you're in china but u are in US the language will remain in English so you can still use tik tok
I Am Not American.. Why Am I Here.. Oh Yeah I Hate Tik Tok
Wow ??
NEXT ban Snapchat and facebook live people kill themselves,kill others and the abuse is enough.
The only thing that Trump Did Good So Far Based On My Knowledge.
Hope they ban it
Should ban tiktok a long time ago many children especially at the age of 12 or below are seeing sexual explicit content and are a major concern in the country or maybe in the world
This is just BS
yas finally
The only good thing trump has done so far
Well boys, Trump did one good thing and cured cancer! i hope those 14 yr old edgy girls dont come to youtube 🙁
tik tok chinese servers keep US Canadian and German biometric, contact list, location data and Credit/Debit Card information.
is it real or not are they actually going to
First good thing he would've done
No don’t ban tik tok